What Are Your Needs?

    • Behavior Concerns
    • Communication Problems
    • Depression
    • Blended Family Dynamics
    • Trauma a Child Encounters
    • Divorced Parents and Co-parenting Issues
    • ADHD Symptoms and Impulse Control
    • Self-Esteem
    • Defiant Child
    • Anxiety
    • Balancing Work and Home Life

What Are Your Concerns?

    • Do you ever question your parenting ability.
    • Have you ever said ” I love my children but they drive me crazy.”
    • My partner and I have different views on how to raise our kids and  we need help.
    • Your children are not behaving appropriately or respecting authority figures.
    • Your children talk back to you and don’t follow rules or are out right defiant.
    • My child lies, steals or fights often 
    • Parenting in the 21st century
    • Teacher strategies for working with children

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nothing is more important than your family

Our Counseling Practice

We offer effective outpatient, individualized, psychological care. If you have issues with your children and parenting CARES specializes in working with families. 

Our ongoing ADHD group will assist your child in learning how to use coping skills at home, school and other social settings. 

We also have an anger management group and quarterly parenting workshops.

EAP individual clients are welcome.  (Please check with your provider for eligibility).

Couples who want to improve their relationship will benefit from our specialized training to create stronger bonds.

Our Treatment Focus

Our focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. We achieve this by providing a neutral safe space, listening to your concerns, and customizing a treatment plan. 

Our Client Promise

We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life. 

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5 Tips for Successful Parenting In The 21st Century!

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who we are

Monica Douglas Davis


Keynote Speaker and Author

Phone: (404) 578-7629

As an former educator of eleven years and counselor for over 14 years, my passion is to help children become the best they can. I love working with  parents to equip them with a toolbox of options they can use to raise their children.

I also am a wife and mother of three children, including twins. I understand the challenges of having multiple children.

I practice from a cognitive behavior theoretic perspective, which focuses on mind and behavior connections and positive thought processes.  I also used solution focused therapy to achieve objectives in a short time period when the work is done.

You set the goal and we work to accomplish it.

Counseling works best when you are vested in the process. 

I speak at organizations, churches,  and business events to help people find peace in their lives. This is necessary to find balance. I use stories and  humor to connect with people talking in practical, immediately useful ways about having your best life.

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Parenting Workshops

Parenting In The Midst of Chaos
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Create A Family Vision Board


Get Connected Parent Expo



Read about 16 characteristics of beauty we can use to make ourselves and the world better.  Don’t let your past or fear of the future stop you from being your best self.

god made me beautiful, but i didn't know it

Parents will have practical, ready to use tips to help improve communication with their children,  build stronger bonds, set boundaries, teach them accountability, responsibility and decrease arguments.

20 Tips for Effective Parenting in the 21st Century

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